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Disscusion of final paper Diana T.

April 23, 2008

Going over my paper with Dustin, he helped me make changes on how to clear up my thesis.  I need transitions to my next topic when I go from paragraph to paragraph.  A lot of editing was done to clean up my sentence structure.  I should use quotes as supportive material only. 

Final Paper Diana T.

April 16, 2008

Thesis:  Even though Lily the main character from Baby Face and Tony from Scarface do immoral acts they are considered likable characters within the film.

* Explain the history in the 1930s

* Transition to Baby Face

o   Present the film

o   How Lily is likable

§  Mention she has an African American friend who she helps

§  Humor

§  Making it during the depression

§  Entertainment

o   Critics’ of the time opinion, if they missed or what they missed about the character.

o   Explain why this makes her likable

* Transition to Scarface

o   Present the film

o   How Tony is likable

§  Mention love interest Poppy

§  Humor

§  Entertainment

§  Tony’s  secretary, who is an immigrant but adds humor

§  Howard Hawks is a screwball comedy director

o   Critics’ of the time opinion, if they missed or what hey missed about the character

o   Explain why this makes him likable

* Conclusion

o   Tie in thesis statement

o   The resolution

o   Why are the character’s likable even though their acts are immoral

o   Are likable because they entertain us how they act is not always moral.

Final Paper Revised by Diana T.

April 16, 2008

For my paper I will compare the movie Scarface and Baby Face’s main characters.  Their ability to get away with what they do on screen without being condemned for it.  I will use the Hays code as a reference.  The documentary we watched in class.  The focus will be that people are violating moral standards but still have the audiences’ has sympathy in both types of films.

Final Paper Proposal (Diana T)

April 4, 2008



Film Censorship in the 1930s

Thesis: The Bad Girls films and the gangsters films of the era in spite of having different content censored progression of their censorship occurred in a striking similar manner.


Self-regulation at work and the social constraints affecting the film industry.

  • Why were the “Bad Girl films” so bad?
    • The “Bad Girl Films” description
    • Examples of “Bad Girl Films”
    • Stereotypes that are not portrayed
  • What is good about “Bad girl films
    • Audience see women as
      • Dominate
      • Independent
      • Seductive



Jacobs, Lea (1991). The wages of sin: censorship and the fallen woman film. Wisconsin:

            University of Wisconsin Press.

Johnson, Steven (2006).  Everything bad is good for you. New York: The Berkley        Publishing Group.

Forbidden Hollywood


Denby and Hollywood Censored by Diana T.

February 27, 2008

David Denby representation complexity of film is to show a mixture in film of good and evil. That there are only two views shown in the 1930s. That those films had only positive lessons in them. That the evil or criminals are always punished, and the good guy finishes last. That in order to understand good or evil you have to show both. Denby states in the interview that if he was to watch a film where the criminal went unpunished he would be disappointed.

Life has complexity of what is good and what is evil. How do you define each of them. Therefore it is difficult to show just two sides. Denby’s statement is unclear to me. I think that he is trying to say that it is difficult to show a person perfect or not perfect because life isn’t like that.

Virtual film corp vs Industrial commision of Ohio (Diana T.)

February 19, 2008

The beginning states it is an appeal to the courts.  It is argured that the bill is attacks the Ohio statuate.  The document decribes what film looks like or what it may represent.  Then the renters fee and what is allowed is broken down.  That arrest will be made if censorship is not enforced on films before they are released out of state.  Films must be reviewed before they are released. 

Individual Response on Lord-Quigley by Diana T.

February 16, 2008

Let me read between the lines of the Lord-Quigley code for this response.  Film this type of entertainment is regarded as this low class and uneducated society.  Thus the audience should only be allowed to watch film that will not invoke bad behavior.  The strict guidelines would make it difficult for any filmmaker to have artistic freedom.  I think the code implies that filmmakers have this limited type of perspective on what they can show realistically.  Such as government, crime, and sex.  I will take into consideration that for the time this new type of art was highly critized because it was unfamilar.  Which explains why censorship was over bearingly important to most people who were worried about the influence it may have.  Especially since younger children could just walk into a movie theatre without any problem not matter what type of film they were going to see. 

Scarface Endings by Diana T.

February 8, 2008

Did Hecht’s really think he was going to get by with that orginal script ending for Scarface?  The ending glorified gansters and by having Tony had fighting back at the police but only to be left with no bullets in his gun by the end.  The ending from the orginal script sounds like a lot more fun then other two honestly.  The orginal does seem to fit the character that the audience follows throughout the film more closely, because of the excitement he gets when ever there is violence and action.  So much so that he would forget about Poppy and fight back during the drive by shooting while at out to eat.The first filmed ending is his sister enters and is going to shoot him and when her mind changes she says “You’re me, I’m you”.  They load the guns together and when they are yelling with excitement and Tony is shutting the steal window shutter a bullet recishays and hits Cesca.  Poor Tony cannot live without his sister and begs her not to leave him alone.  She passes and Tony goes downstairs and is held up by the police. Tony becomes a coward and Tony attempts to run away  and is shot down.  This was not believable because he would have had to known it was impossible, unless that was suicide.  Instead of showing Cesca loading the gun it is cut out of the ending.  So is her line that might have implied incest.  The firing of guns is cut out of well.  This ending is a little more believable to me, but I think Tony would have had better lawyers in order to get him out of being hung or in imprisoned.  But knowing the history of the Hays office affect on this film being produced and all the changes being made, to me it appears to be an exagerated ending just to overcompensate the approval.  Almost as to make it throughly ridiculously not true to the real life gangsters to slap it back in the Hays office face.

Scarface and Censorship by Diana T.

February 6, 2008

Gunshots, murder, car chases, and theft were not major themes critics typically wanted to view in 1931 movie theatres. Debates about graphic films was heated up after Scarface premiered. Scarface was constantly picked apart by critics due to the explicit nature of the film. A gangster film being glorified during a time in America when gang war was occurring. The film had to go under multiple revisions to make the critics feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside to walk on the streets in downtown Chicago at night because justice was served to Tony Camonte.

I wonder what George Mason would think about Section 12 of his Bill of Rights that he wrote applying to Scarface. Mason would be hypocritical to his one particular belief that without free speech Americans do not have democracy. I guess he would just have to remind the Hays Office and tell them to put up with it.

“Scarface” no not that one the orginial

January 26, 2008

The movie glorifies the gangsters in “Scarface” as tough guys and then sentimental with their families but in actuality they are sociopaths and cold blooded killers.  You don’t feel they are as crazy because they will shoot someone at night and make it home in time for the home cooked meal his mom made in the next scene.

Mob bosses are higher ranked men in the mob and will be well respected in their neighbor hoods or in their circles due to only pure fear and violence. 

I will say that I do enjoy the movie because of my love for gangster films.  Such as “The Godfather” being one of my favorites.  I like the humor added to the film by Hawks.  Even from the main character, Tony Camonte adds humor to the film.  The humor added almost gives the characters themselves as a disconnect to the horrible acts that they do with making a joke.

During the film I was curious about how true to Tony Camonte and Al Capone are closely related.  Even the way they act and the actually murders that occurred.  At the end of the movie I wonder if they will have an epilogue with Geraldo Rivera waiting outside of Tony Camonte’s vault as well as to find nothing but a wooden chair.